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Art from worn-out: how to evolve your artistic vision of the world

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you bring back to life the worn-out world?

Some artists are aware of the power of life. They represent and transform the material in different shapes and color, and most of the time what you see is a result of a worn-out transformation. I think there's so much more that we can learn from their process, here's several insights to adopt a new way to see ordinary things.

1) The phoenix's story means rebirth

According to the original legend, the Phoenix is originally from Arabia, after having lived for 500 years. Before dying, the phoenix built a nest on the top of an oak or a palm tree, piled up balsamic plants and lay down in the sun, letting it burn it while it sang a song of incomparable sweetness. Phoenix is a symbol of power and resilience and it's like the same power of an artist who let the light emerges from the ashes. It's poetically and physically a gesture of rebirth. Art means giving back to life what you thought it was lost.

2) The vision of the quantic leap in art

We are used to say that we live in certain time and in certain place.

Well, theoretically there are many possibilities. Every single thing we see in this world depends on our vision. If make a quantum leap in your life you make an evolution of your consciousness. Consequently, you find a new yourself an improvement. You'll give attention to your true soul, letting go the old, or even transform the old in art. So, art world open us to infinites possibilities, even transforming the worn-out to newness.

3) In art you can find trust

If you need some examples on how to change your thoughts, actions and words, art can help you. When you do an artwork there are no rules. Maybe, just let go your intuition and let the unsolved be unsolved and the worn-out born again. Trust is the key. Be consistent with what you're doing even if it's seem to be bad piece of work. Nothing and nobody is perfect, so lets evolve with it.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why art is good to change our vision of the world.

I know there are moreover reasons to keep giving chance on possibilities. So make art in your life because it will take you where your dream were mean to be, even beyond it.


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